Равкиииииии *_____*
Да, опять ссылка на мемберс-онли пост на ЖЖ. Они просят не репостить равки нигде, и я буду уважать это желание.
Pandora Hearts 49. Небольшие вырезкиКак я понимаю, Оз принял приглашение Ислы, и мы наблюдаем приём/бал, посвященный совершеннолетию Оза.
Вначале я не могу не уделить внимание роскошным костюмам *___* В этой главе целый парад.
Брейк, Оз, Лиам в одежде прислуги дома Барма, хоть и слегка пригламуренной
Братья Найтреи. Выходные костюмы выглядят несколько... униформенно, не находите?
Прекрасные женщины: Алиса, Шерон, Ада
...и Ванесса
Ладно, согласен. В этой главе она действительно несколько creepy.
Гилберт пугается и прячется, Алиса за ним повторяет, похоже, не вполне осознавая, что происходит.
Хочу перевод реплики со второй картиночки. Подозреваю, вся соль про Ванессу там.
Очень трогательный ангстовый Брейк. И, судя по всему, вправляющий ему мозги Лиам. Вот прям так.
Кажется, после душеспасительной беседы Шерил и нажима со стороны Лиама Брейк все-таки решил признаться Шерон в своей слепоте. Пупсик.
Ещё у нас там присутствует танец Оза и Алисы, рыдающий над письмом Лео, хор детей имени сабрийского приюта и Исла Юра, знающий что-то такое про Лео, чего не знают другие. Вырезать и постить это мне пока лень, сделаю в следующий раз. Надеюсь, перевод дадут быстрее, чем в прошлом месяце.
И гвоздь выпуска - зверское убийство
И да. Я хочу сфотографироваться вот так. Желательно немедленно.
АПД. Саммари/перевод от LilyGinnyBlack (линк)
читать дальшеLeo: "Ah...another person...died--Why...did something like this..."
This chapter starts with everyone gathering for Oz's coming-of-age ceremony. All of the girls are fangirling over Vincent and Gil. I find Gil's scene to be particularly funny, since Break and Liam don't get why the females are fangirling.
The fangirls (about Gil): "It's Gilbert Nightray-sama!" "The two Nightray household's adopted sons are here. What's happening today?" "Ah...As usual, that reluctant looking face..." "Contrast to Vincent-sama, [Gilbert-sama's] cold atmosphere and those gold colored eyes tinged with such grief...It's all just so wonderful--!!"
Break and Liam's vision consists of a shaking Gilbert whimpering, "Scary...I'm scared...Oz..."
Then there is the cute scene with the white feather and Alice and Oz. After that we go to Break and Liam. They talk about Oz for a bit, with Break saying something like he "can't read that boy [Oz]," then Liam brings up Sharon.
"Isn't it about time you told Sharon-sama about your eyes." Break makes a joke out of Liam's words, so Liam commands, "Tell her!"
Break wonders how he'll go about telling Sharon, and Liam guesses that he doesn't want to make Sharon cry. But Break says back that it'll be unavoidable.
"In the past I was always bad with handling kids, so when she cries I don't know what I should d-" Liam then hits Break. "...What was that all about, Liam-san...?"
"You are an idiot, Xerxes." Liam then goes off to do some investigating (I believe). As soon as Liam leaves, Sharon finds Break (she was looking for him) and asks him if he would accompany her outside (for some fresh air), to which Break easily complies.
As they walk outside they talk about various things from Oz, Eques, Cheshire's place, and etc. The scene then shifts back to Oz and he meets Elliot. Oz is uber happy to see that Elliot is here. While they are talking, Elliot mentions how Leo isn't here, but rather at home because he wasn't feel well (or something like that) and that the person with him is his sister Vanessa. Elliot also mentions how Leo has been acting weird lately, and he thinks something might be up with Leo (so he is already suspicious). But he doesn't go any further, "Never mind, forget."
Gil and Alice reappear (with Gil calling out to Oz, "Oz~save me~"), the three of them end up in a corner (Alice and Gil bickering) and then they discuss Isla. Alice watches the men and women dancing and it seems like she is remembering something or having a mini-revelation. Isla spots him, which Oz didn't want (obviously he has been trying to stay away from the man), and Alice says, "Let's go, Oz." She then drags him to dance.
The chapter then goes back to Break and Sharon:
Break: "Ojou-sama, are you sure you are okay with not dancing?"
Sharon: "Don't say silly things like that." She then goes on to say that she is only here for Oz's safety and such, and then she brings up Liam and what he is doing. The panels show Sharon watching the high class women socializing and Break asks her:
"Do you regret it? The fact that you became a contractor."
Sharon: "...No. I, personally, wished for a contract with Eques. My body has stopped aging, and that was certainly something that was hard to part with, but...I think I can gain something from this loss. At least, that's the way I see it."
Sharon is still watching the people inside and is itching to say something. So...
"Um...Break, if it's not too much trouble, will you dance this song with me? After all...this is a long awaited party, and..."
Break: "You are aware, aren't you, Ojou-sama, about my dancing ability."
Sharon: "Ah...That's right. Just use everyone over there as a reference, and let's practice out here! An employee of my household can't even dance, isn't that embarrassing?"
Break has a brief flashback to Cheryl Rainsworth's words, 'Since it is her, she will be fine.'
Break's thought: 'But...'
And then Liam's words to him earlier, 'You're an idiot, Xerxes.'
Sharon: "Please, come here and take a good look, Break." She continues on about him copying rhythm and such when Break confesses, "...I can't see." But she doesn't hear him (at first) and goes on to say that doing that wouldn't be too much of a pain so "we'll give it a try."
But Break clearly and bluntly repeats himself, "I can't see, Ojou-sama."
Sharon: "............What...?............Oh."
Break's Thoughts: 'Ah, this was a mistake. Just as I thought, I shouldn't have told her yet.' Despite what Break thinks though, Sharon has tears in her eyes, but she won't let them fall.
Sharon: "If that's the case, then you have no resources, huh. Please prepare yourself, Break. I have a very special, strict way of teaching [people how to dance]. That said, give me your hand."
Break's Thoughts: 'I give up. Liam, it's just as you said. I never noticed that Sharon has always been next to me. So, before I knew it, she became a strong woman.
Getting back to Alice and Oz, all of the people are stunned by Alice's dancing and are wondering where she came from. Alice says to Oz, while they are dancing, "--A long time ago, I have a feeling someone taught me how to dance."
Then a flash of Jack, 'You can't dance, Alice?'
Alice: "Whether that's who I can't remember or not, I...That doesn't matter! As it is, right now I'm having fun dancing with you." Oz blushes and smiles.
But the moment is cut short when Oz notices Phillipe in the audience and calls out the boys name. Gil hears Oz's shout and becomes alarmed.
Gil: "Crap! I lost sight of Yura!" Elliot watches Isla sneak out.
Isla approaches Leo, "I've heard that you aren't feeling well, so is being outside like this really okay? You also got that letter from the Pheana household, didn't you. ...What an unfortunate thing. Ahh, James...It couldn't be that he died due to a complication with the common cold...!"
Leo: "............That'll be...six people now. Just what...did you do to the kids in that household...!"
Isla: "It certainly is a sad thing that those people had to die...But please don't worry. Those children have already completely forgotten about the James incident. It was done in the same way...As the death of Phillipe West's father..."
Flashback to Phillipe: 'Father's dead. What's that? I don't know what that is!'
Isla: "...But, since our talk will just keep piling up, at the present I'll just leave it as thus. Excuse me. I have a lot of guests I'm inviting today, so I have a lot of other things that I need to attend to--..."
Isla...skips off... (=.=)
Elliot has a shocked expression on his face. '...Why...is Leo with that man...!?'
Isla: "AHHHH...This evening, what a be splendid night! Jack Vessalius, his body, I've been searching for it, and now he's come to my garden! Come...Come now, let the banquet begin. AHHHHHHH! One after the other, they will all fall down!" (*Note: Here Isla uses itashimasu, which is a very polite way of saying "to do" so the actually Japanese is very ambiguous here. I'm assuming though, he means that one by one they will all be killed (or so he hopes)).
Finally we are shown Liam (who went to check the mansion for the stone's seal). They hear something and go to check it out.
Lily: "Ah! This is good, Vander Snatch." (I'm assuming she is addressing her Chain). She continues, "Since we have to find the stone's seal, we'll scavenge this place for food!"
Liam and Lily spot each other and both have a look of shock (and fear, as in Liam's case) on their faces.
And we leave off this chapter with our favorite song:
The Queen of Hearts made a pie, and the Jack of Hearts stole that pie. The angry Queen shouted: Off with his head, off with his head, off with his head!
And that's the end of it! The Break/Sharon moments were wonderful and amazing and had me uber happy!!! <3 Alice and Oz were cute, but I found Gil's adherence to females and his desire for Oz to save him to be cuter! :3 That's just me though.
And, it seems as if Leo isn't the Headhunter. I thought he was at first, when I first skimmed this chapter, but I think what it is, is that Leo knows who these children are, isn't saying anything about it, and therefore is definitely apart of this whole mess. But he isn't the killer himself. I think that we can safely say that the Headhunter is either Isla or perhaps Phillipe (by using his illegal Chain for Isla). Either way, Isla is the bad guy...No surprise there. >.>;
Oh, and it looks like the outline of a Chain on the wall of that last page!
А вот кому перевод? Текстовый, от Olivine.
Ежемесячный пост для ора
Равкиииииии *_____*
Да, опять ссылка на мемберс-онли пост на ЖЖ. Они просят не репостить равки нигде, и я буду уважать это желание.
Pandora Hearts 49. Небольшие вырезки
И да. Я хочу сфотографироваться вот так. Желательно немедленно.
АПД. Саммари/перевод от LilyGinnyBlack (линк)
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А вот кому перевод? Текстовый, от Olivine.
Да, опять ссылка на мемберс-онли пост на ЖЖ. Они просят не репостить равки нигде, и я буду уважать это желание.
Pandora Hearts 49. Небольшие вырезки
И да. Я хочу сфотографироваться вот так. Желательно немедленно.
АПД. Саммари/перевод от LilyGinnyBlack (линк)
читать дальше
А вот кому перевод? Текстовый, от Olivine.